Cloth masks (reusable if washed).
Cloth masks are recommended for everyone in the U.S. by the CDC for use in public places and any place where it.s difficult to maintain 6 feet of distance between yourself and others. Cloth masks do not protect an individual from getting sick, but are effective in preventing the wearer from spreading disease particles to others. Masks can be made homemade and sewn, cut, or fashioned from a bandana and coffee filter. The masks should be washed routinely.
Surgical Mask (disposable).
Surgical masks are used by healthcare professionals and protect others from the wearer from spreading disease particles. Surgical masks do not fully protect healthy people from acquiring an illness, and a loose fit leaves room for error.
N95 (disposable).
N95 masks should be work only while Working with dust, mold, or in a medical environment. These masks only protects against particles, not gases or vapors and can help protect healthcare workers from germs by blocking out at least 95% of small airborne particles— if worn correctly. Because of the strain of the pandemic on supply chains, n95 masks should be work by healthcare workers only.
See Business Insider for more info.